Check out this incredible artwork for the upcoming issue of Rue Morgue Magazine (hitting magazine-stands April 1st) created by Gary Pullin.

Well the time has come folks, this Friday, March 25th, HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN will be taking Canadian cinemas by force.  I caught the film for the fourth time last night at the Toronto premiere, and I’m still amazed by the film’s pacing. It’s relentless. Tonight, my heart is in Halifax as it’s having its hometown premiere at the Oxford Theatre; I can’t wait to hear what everyone back home thinks of it!

Photo from last night’s Q&A, which I graciously took part in.

IMPORTANT: Please try and make time to catch HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN this weekend! The Canadian film market tends to rely heavily on results of the opening weekend to determine the length of a film’s theatrical run, so (even if you get a chance to catch a preview screening) get your butt out to the cinema and buy your ass a ticket!

If you’re in Nova Scotia, you’ll have to watch HOBO where it all began; the film will be screening at Empire Theatres Dartmouth Crossing and Park Lane (Halifax). In Toronto, HOBO will be screening at Eglinton Town Centre, Empire Theatres at Empress Walk, Queensway Cineplex, Scarborough Coliseum, Scotiabank Theatre (Paramount).

Spread the word! Buy tickets! Go forth and multiply!

PS. Check out director Jason Eisener on George Stroumboulopoulos’ show this Friday on CBC (!

Update 25/3/11: Please enjoy another photo from Toronto’s premiere which provides evidence of my involvement in the Q&A…
…I generally look less impish when I’m not standing next to a 6’5″ martial arts expert.

Last but not least, I had to share my favourite tweet in regards to the HOBO trailers playing on television–perhaps my favourite tweet of all-time…
The best.

That’s all for now. Go out and see this film, you idiot!


Author: Henry Townsend
January 24th, 2011 – 7:38pm

(I am pleased to welcome the blog’s second guest-blogger, Mr. Henry Townsend, the film’s blood/make-up effects assistant.)

Yesterday after waking up from an amazing time at the second screening of HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, which played in the Salt Lake city location,  Glen Matthews and myself decided to hit up an afternoon screening at the Redstone Theatre of a really great documentary called Corman’s World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel.

The Documentary was about the great American Producer/Director Roger Corman who is recognized as the King of the B-movie and godfather of the exploitation. It featured many producers and directors as well as many recognized actors talking about how Corman had a great influence on their lives and that pretty much molded careers. Most notable was Jack Nicolson,. It was really cool hearing him talk about him, and how much of a HUGE impact he was.  The documentary also goes into talking about the many films that Corman has directed and produced.

It was a really great documentary especially for those people that didn’t know who he actually was and what he did since his era had almost been lost to the really big budget Hollywood films.

After the documentary was done, and the credits rolled by, and the lights went up and the programmer announced a Q&A with Alex Stapleton(Documentarian) and Roger Corman himself!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glen was able to cram in a question in the very short QnA session then as soon as the session was done they both people quickly rushed out to their shuttle. We ended up following the large herd of people following Roger Corman to his shuttle and knew that there was no chance I’d get a chance to talk to him.  But all of a sudden Corman totally intercepted me and one of my heroes I’d always look up to was standing right in front of me!!!! I didn’t know what to do but an overwhelming wave of stokedness took over and I went into total nerd mode!! I told him that he was an amazing influence and look forward to checking out his upcoming films! He queitly said “thank you” as security was yelling “we gotta go!”. With Glen holding my camera (Glen I owe you big time), and a security guard trying to pull him away I got Glen to take a photo of a quick photo op of me and him!

Totally amazingly stoked!!!!!

Glen and I were so pumped and it was all we were talking about it the whole way back to the town house.

When we got in from the film, we rounded up some people from the place  (Zander R , Zoe D, Adam B and Krista C.), to check out the evil side of American culture involving the Westboro Baptist family during the premier screening of Kevin Smith’s RED STATE. It was pretty insane. It was the most scariest thing I had ever witnessed in real life. I was completely speechless, all I could do was take photos and record everything of what  was happening.

Kevin Smith and followers later fought back by coming out and facing them face to face with really hilarious picketing signs including “God thinks megan is hot!!” “God hates press screenings” “God hates fat”.

Over all it was today was one of the most eventful days of my entire life.



Author: Glen Matthews
January 23rd, 2011 – 11:30am

Mr. Zan Rosborough, HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN‘s sound-mixer/actor/stunt-performer/&-probably-something-else has been filming our escapades down here in Utah, and will be editing together a short video within the next few weeks. Until then, please enjoy (?) this teaser that he has cut together…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

On the docket for today: in an hour myself and Henry Townsend are going to check out a documentary on the legendary Roger Corman, after that, we will experience an official American pass-time by watching some NFL playoffs. Tonight, we’re going to check out the much-talked-about protest of Kevin Smith‘s new film RED STATE by the Westboro Baptist Church (see below)…

(Yeah… that’s right, those guys… er, kids.)

So that should be entertaining… right?

And tonight we’ll be attending a party for all three of the Magnet Pictures releases, HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, TROLL HUNTER, and I SAW THE DEVIL. Fun fun!

More to come from this fag-enabler!