Next month, I’ll be making the journey back to Nova Scotia to act in, and co-Produce Walter Forsythe‘s THE LUCKIEST MOST UNLUCKY GUY IN THE WORLD.

The short film, which is written by HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN scribe, John Davies, is going to be made possible by Bravo!FACT funding (, which has been responsible for some of my all-time favourite Canadian short films (I’m looking at you, THE LEGEND OF BEAVER DAM). Needless to say, I’m happy to be on board.

Director Walter Forsyth previously Produced Andrea Dorfman‘s HOW TO BE ALONE through Bravo!FACT funding, and aside from winning plenty of awards (as well as praise from Roger Ebert), the film also happens to be awesome. See below for awesome-proof:

Also, according to my count, this will mark my seventh time working with Director of Photography, Jeff Wheaton… It must be love.

We’ll be shooting in late July, stay tuned for more.

Side-note: You like the new website design? Don’t lie to me, dammit!