Sundance Variety Blog #11!

Glen Matthews reporting from Halifax, Nova Scotia:

Twenty-four hours after the mayhem known as The Sundance Film Festival, I have finally decompressed enough to sit my ass down and type up a summary of the adventure from my point of view.


On our last day in Park City, Utah I woke up early to get in the waiting line to see Big Fan from Robert Siegel, the writer of The Wrestler. The film starred one of my favourite stand-up comedians Patton Oswalt. I haven’t heard yet if the film has been picked up for distribution or not, but I imagine it will. I’m a total fanboy for Oswalt, so take my praise of this film with a grain of salt.

I lost my cell phone charger earlier in the week, so half way through the movie, my phone died; I went back to the hotel and everyone had taken off to go to Troma Dance, a film festival put on by Troma that focuses on gore, sex, and craziness. I didn’t think that it started until later in the day, so I schlubbed around the hotel for the day.

Later on, I met up with the guys and they were hanging out with super-producer and Troma President Lloyd Kaufman, they invited him to come across the street to The Egyptian Theatre for a screening of TREEVENGE. Lloyd Kayfman accepted.

This was the final screening that we would be in town for, so this time, before the film we all went up on stage and threw around some t-shirts to the crowd. Jason screamed “Let’s tear this place up!” and the crowd did just that…





The nerds pictured above contributed to most insane screening of TREEVENGE that I have experienced yet. Screams and uproarious laughter were heard throughout the entire screening. Lloyd Kaufman told us that in ten years of doing Troma Dance (which is across the street), he had never attended a Sundance screening until ours. NEVER. The other guys have photos of them with Mr. Kaufman, so I’ll upload those whenever they do.

In other crazy news, apparently people were paying scalpers up to $100.00 for tickets (regularly priced at $15.00) for tickets to the TREEVENGE/Dead Snow screening!


The entire Sundance experience was a wonderful, yet exhausting one. My theory is the altitude (mixed with the free rum) kicked my ass. The rum also earned me the nickname “My Pet Monster” or “MPM” from the others. I hope you all enjoyed keeping up to date with our wacky adventure, and I hope we managed to represent Nova Scotia properly and made those of you in the film industry, and those who aren’t, proud to call us your own. Now it’s back to the grind.

Expect a final summary from Jason Eisener (the famous guy) in the next couple days!

PS. Remember when I said that Zan Rosborough was mauled by a pack of girls claiming he was Uncle Jesse? Well a Stamos fan-site has picked up the story:

PPS. (or is it PSS?): Fuck United Airlines.